Вилоят ҳокимининг иқтисодиёт ва тадбиркорлик масалалари бўйича биринчи ўринбосари
Телефон-факс: 229-62-50.
Қабул кунлари: Ҳар ҳафтанинг чоршанба кунлари соат 9:00 дан 11:00 гача.
Электрон почта манзили:
Date of birth:
Marital status:
He supervises the Committee of the Department of Economics and Social Development of the region. Decrees, Resolutions and Orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Resolutions and Orders of the Government, the Regional Council of People's Deputies and regional khokims are responsible for the sphere.
Organizes the development of targeted socio-economical development programs of the region and takes measures to ensure its implementation.
Takes measures to improve the economically insolvent enterprises and to activate the bankruptcy mechanism against unprofitable enterprises.
Implementation of small business and private entrepreneurship, privatization and decentralization programs, attraction of foreign investments, expansion of export opportunities of the region.
It is engaged in deepening reforms in the banking and financial system, developing the state budget and organizing its execution, implementing monetary and tax policy, strengthening the payment discipline.
Consumption of consumer goods and food products and provision of these products to the population. Coordinates the development of trade, consumer and other services to the population.
He is engaged in the employment of the population and development of home-based work.
It coordinates social protection issues, takes measures to reform and develop the healthcare system.
Takes measures to develop tourism infrastructure, preserve cultural values and memorials, develop mass sports and develop professional sports.
Helps to organize spiritual-enlightenment work in united organizations and institutions.
Coordinates the implementation of the National Human Development Program, realizes radical reforms in education, promotes the level of education to the international standards, and strengthens the material and technical base of schools.
Implementation of reforms in the system of higher and secondary vocational education, and the development of science.
He constantly deals with issues of strengthening the executive discipline and critical analysis of the situation, the selection, upbringing and training of the personnel involved and making recommendations on their appointment.
cooperates with the corresponding Standing Committees of the Regional Council of People's Deputies.
Supervises the work of the following commissions:
- Regional Humanitarian Aid Commission;
- Regional Commission for Organizing and Controlling the Implementation of the Public Health Reform Program;
- regional commission on liquidation of the enterprises which are not performing financial and economic activities and forming their statutory funds;
- regional commission on monetary and credit policy;
- Regional Export Promotion Commission;
- permanent commission under the jurisdiction of the regional khokim for minors;
- Law on Education and the National Program of personnel Training;
- Special commission under the khokimiyat of the Republic of Uzbekistan on execution of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from March 16, 2007 of No. PP-605 "About measures on further regulation of retail trade in alcoholic products";
- Regional Commission on HIV / AIDS Prevention, HIV / AIDS Prevention;
- Commission for conduction of public events;
- Commission for social and material support of the people released from penitentiary institutions;
The following organizations coordinate their activities:
- Regional Health Department;
- Regional public education department;
- Regional secondary special and professional education department;
- Regional Culture and Sports Affairs Department;
- regional headquarters of labor and social protection of population;
- Regional Department of Economics;
- Regional financial management;
- Regional Department of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade;
- state tax administration of the region;
- Department of Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition;
- central bank branch of central bank and branches of all commercial banks;
- Regional control and inspection department;
- regional statistical office;
- production enterprises of consumer goods;
- industrial enterprises;
- joint ventures with foreign investors;
- Regional branch of joint-stock company "Matbuot tarkatuvchi";
- "Dori-Darmon" OJSC;
- Regional branch of the Red Crescent Society;
- Regional Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance;
- Regional branch of the association "Hunarmand";
- Preserving historical and cultural memorials center
- Higher educational establishments;
- reconstructing historical and cultural memorials enterprise;
- insurance organizations;
- car service enterprises;
- trade and public catering enterprises;
- regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan
- regional branch of raw material base commodity
- “Sharobsavdo” wholesale organization
- markets;
- commercial bases;
Тендер савдолари
Тендерлар ва танловлар
Барча юридик ва жисмоний шахслар, чет эл инвесторлари диккатига!!!
Rental properties
The list of available empty and unfinished areas of the state
ҳокимлик билан Боғланиш
Тел.: 8 (436) 229-6206
Ўзбекистон Республикаси,
Навоий вилояти, Навоий ш.,
Халқлар Дўстлиги кўчаси, 77а